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Let's go chasing waterfalls!

Waterfall season in Cape Breton is just around the corner! 

We’ve decided to get in on the waterfall fun this season by sponsoring a contest in conjunction with Cape Breton Waterfall Explorers.  This is a fab group of locals (many of whom are amazing photographers) and they share information about falls and their photos to encourage others to get out there chasing!  So, our contest goes something like this…

Imagine your name and photo on this poster!  (See mock up below) We're heading up a contest that will see 12 explorers get their waterfall images on the 2024 Cape Breton Waterfall poster.

How do you enter? It's easy.

Like/follow Escape Outdoors, join Cape Breton Waterfall Explorers and post in their Facebook group your waterfall picture under the contest heading. The twelve individuals with the most “Likes” will get their photo featured. EO will be gifting a 16x20 commemorative poster to each, and the grand prize winner (most Likes) will get a $100 prize package from EO. Additional posters will also be available for pre-order.

We're sending a big shoutout to Jamie, Laura and Chad, group founders, for their help with this contest. They put a lot of work into the management of this group, keeping everyone up to date and interested.

So, let's get chasing waterfalls. Take the first step and join the group today. Not planning to enter the contest, but want to know more about Cape Breton waterfalls? Join the group anyway. Everyone is welcome!

But, there's even more fun and more contests underway! To promote this special time to hike and explore in Cape Breton, Destination Cape Breton is sponsoring a six-week long contest that begins May 15, 2024. All entrants will have a chance to win an amazing prize package.  Full contest rules will soon be posted on their website. Stay tuned!

Waterfalls are abundant in Cape Breton (in fact, there are more than 100!) and there are accessible options for everyone.  To see descriptions of many of the more popular ones and some hidden gems, check out these descriptions. Start planning your waterfall adventures now. There are some incredible natural masterpieces around every corner that are sure to cause you to gape in wonder.


“The waterfall is nature’s laughter.”



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